Like a Flood, Raise your Standard


When the enemy comes in, like a flood God raises a standard. Isaiah 59:19

“The river is at flood stage.” During the Greater Glory meeting in South Haven a couple of weeks ago, I kept hearing the Lord whisper this word to me.  Sure enough the Mississippi River was at flood stage, but that was not the river I could see in my spirit.

Isaiah 59:19. “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard.” (KJV)

By changing the comma, we get a different picture. “When the enemy comes in…LIKE A  FLOOD God raises the standard.”

In the 60’s the enemy had come in with division, drugs and discontent. Racial violence and immorality were rampant; a flood of wickedness was rising in our nation. But quietly, in a steady wave God began to arise. In the halls of our campuses a quiet peace begin to surge. Hippies, looking for peace began to find true Peace. Christian coffee houses began to spring up here and there and the tiny little pamphlet of “The four spiritual laws,” the plan of salvation, was found in bathrooms, cafeterias and on park benches. The hushed flood waters of salvation moved through our land in answer to the desperate cry of the mothers, fathers, pastors and teachers of this restless generation. I was caught up in this amazing river and the deep thirst of my heart was quenched by His Love.  And as one by one, we found true peace, we shared it in the halls, on the buses and even at the rock concerts and beaches. We had found a higher “high”!

Like a flood, God raised His standard.

As BJ and I were praying for the campuses of our state this morning I remembered the 60’s and 70’s. Yes, the enemy has come in again to steal this younger generation and to shift our nation off of our Christian foundation. But yes, the mothers and fathers, pastors and teachers are crying out again in desperate pleas. “Lord, awaken our generations! We appeal to Heaven!”

The river is at flood stage.

Oh Lord, like a quiet, constant surge, raise the river of the Holy Spirit on our campuses again. Release the waters of salvation to flow abundantly in our coffee houses, on our beaches, our homes, our churches, across our land. Let the mighty flood of the Holy Spirit wash away our unrighteous agendas and cleanse our hearts and our land.

Let us not be drunk on the wine of the news media, the politics of the day, but let us be filled with the New Wine of the Holy Spirit! Let us walk in integrity, truth, righteousness and justice. And let us continue to pray.

Let the river of your spirit truly rise up like a flood.

Lord, Raise Your Standard.