God of Riotous Sunsets

Riotous Sunset
Riotous Sunset

Who is your God? What is His name?

No, I’m not talking about ‘other gods’. I’m speaking of the one true Jehovah God, Supreme Ruler of the Universe!

But what is His personal name to you?

Hagar called him El Roi, the ‘God who Sees’ because he saw her in the desert, abused, runaway, pregnant.

Ezekiel saw Him as the ‘God of the Wheel in a Wheel.’

The Psalms speak of the ‘God who’s Voice Thunders over the Waters’.

Isaiah saw Him as the God who was high, lifted up and called him ‘Holy, Burning Fire.’


He is also known as the Creator of the Universe, The God of Righteousness, The Shepherd, The Lamb, the Victorious King. Each name given him in the Word reveals yet another facet of His greatness.

But who is He to you?

Recently a post from Arthur Burk at SLG Coaching blog (Click here) asked that question. As the Lord was making a way for the Hebrew slaves to be set free, His hand moved in many ways, defining the “God of Abraham” in new revelations of his power and attributes they had yet to see.

“During the ten plagues, Yahweh became ‘The God Who Destroys’. As they neared the Red Sea, He became known as the God who defeated the army of Pharaoh. Moses named him ‘The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is his name.’  Exodus 15:1-3 NIV” (from SLG Coaching blog, I highly recommend you read the entire post!)

 Bridgman_Pharaoh's_Army_Engulfed_by_the_Red_Seadefeat of Pharaoh's Army


What spectacular victory has He won for you? Go back, walk through it again and examine how He brought it about and give Him a new name. Your personal name for Him.

BJ and I have had a wonderful time naming Him. Last year, BJ narrowly escaped death in a car accident. We have named Him “The Guardian of Life”. He is “The Breastplate of Righteousness” because BJ’ chest was crushed, but no damage to his heart or lungs. This was a miracle because his cardiologist continually said to him, “Man, you should be dead. Your heart should have exploded and your aorta torn.”

In the recovery season we experienced “the God who is Enough!” Enough grace, enough strength, enough provision. “The God who is Enough!”

Today, as I was trying to clean up the last remnants of the renovation of our home, (Almost done! YAY!) I stepped out on the porch to sweep away some of the left over saw dust and debris. I looked up and suddenly I was arrested by a little touch of bright blue peeping through the grey rain clouds. I stopped and just sat down. Today I have named him “the God of the Riotous Sunset.” As I watched the bright blue sky grow more intense and gray clouds slowing lifting, suddenly a gloriously bright orange light hit the charcoal mass and it came alive with riotous color. I looked down for only a moment and it shifted from bright orange to a wild, dazzling pink. One blink and it changed yet again. This time soft grey wisps outlined with gentle pink floated slowly eastward. As evening settled in, the colors were gone and a tender peace surrounded me. I just sat there, savoring His goodness, His amazing, glorious sunset and then the quiet in the midst of my chaos. There has never been another one like it and never will be again. It was just for me. In that quiet moment I remembered that like his mercy, new every morning, so are his sunsets, new every evening. His name today is ‘God of Riotous Sunsets’ and “The Quiet in the Midst of Chaos’.

Now it is your turn. Who is this Great King to you? What is His name?

Is He the God of Second Chances?

The God of the Miracle Birth?

Stop and be grateful for your victory today. But go beyond grateful. Appreciate and delight in how He brought about the circumstance of this victory so that you could know him deeper, love him more, and make Him known to others in a new way. Worship Him as you savor your victories in intimate fellowship with your personal God.


Honor Him. Give him a new name!


Published by

Ruthie Young

My passion is to see others move into a more intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus, come into the fullness of their identity and destiny, and advance the Kingdom of God in the earth.

8 thoughts on “God of Riotous Sunsets”

  1. Good morning Ruthie
    I am in the middle of enjoying your book … Kindle version although prefer real books as reference books! I am enjoying it immensely and learning a great deal – thank you!
    I’m so glad that God was your husbands Breastplate of Righteousness! I am also delighted you were given that quiet moment to savour!
    Many blessings God is Good!


      1. Dear Ruthie.
        I think I may be a mercy, however I get confused at times for many of the gifts resonate, but what caught me was your story of sobbing through Arthur Burkes teaching … That happened to me at a Bill Johnson/Randy Clark weekend I felt so full and overwhelmed. What I find challenging is that people just don’t “get it or me”. I also resonated with Arthur Burke saying that mercy function as a Mac and the other giftings function like a Windows so often they don’t get it.
        I love how Arthur works with the mercy people around him knowing that they just know. I also noted how you identified that mercy hears through the heart and then verbally processes … That’s certainly me. The challenge being that I’m also quite logical. I’m a qualified lawyer (not practising currently) was raised by an atheist professor of philosophy and have been taught to think (which is compatible with being a Christian!) so I get frustrated when people think lm a drip because I obey God in ways they don’t understand.
        The areas of weakness also resonate, but honestly the areas of weakness in many of the gifts resonate … Sad but true!
        I think the book is very powerful. I want to get a hard copy since I find a hard copy easier to study.
        I hope your renovation is nearly done and you are living in a house that functions in such a way that it brings you joy.
        Many blessings and thank you.
        God is Good!


      2. You sound so much like a mercy. We really know, think in alignment actually more than others, but sometimes alignment doesn’t look like what the rest of the world sees as a straight line or precept on precept. We just know how the puzzle fits. And yes, we all have the negative of most of the other gifts, because we all need a savior in every area. After teaching once a RG prophet came to me to ask me to speak more clearly about the negative side. Her words were, “Just call it sin!. end of story! you are trying to soft pedal it!” I smiled a mercy smile but really thought yep, she is right, but we all need a little mercy sometimes. I think the world does marginalize Mercies. I have taught nursing on the college level, but sometimes am still not heard, etc. I am thankful for Arthur who has given me a voice by simply recognizing that i am valuable. Wow! that is honor. This is the Mercy season and I believe that the Lord is bringing out lots of mercy people to help shift us toward His Kingdom. I so enjoyed the story of the teacher you ministered to and in your quiet way you brought His Kingdom into her life. Thank you for sharing that with us. I’d love to have coffee with you and sit and talk for hours. too bad we live on the opposite of the world. Mmmm maybe some day! Blessings and I look forward to more stories from you, because God is Good!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Dear Ruthie
        Thank you for your kindness!
        I love Arthur Burkes teaching about the Mercy Season that we are in. Hearing it brought solace to me, thinking “I am not the only one …” Others “get it”.
        I sensed that The Christian walk was about being with Him and going out and releasing Him. Not the massive but the one and twos hearing and doing. It is that rhythm that I need to recapture in my world … For there is healing in the secret place.
        A coffee would be so lovely … And one day you never know 😊
        Many blessings.
        God is Good


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